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Firefighters aid autistic boy bullied on school bus

After treating the 12-year-old for bumps and bruises, they decided to rally around him and boost his confidence


LINDEN, N.J. — Firefighters rallied around a 12-year-old autistic boy after learning he was bullied on a school bus.

WIAT reported that kids were making fun of Jonathan Moran’s new basketball shoes, called him fat and stupid. When he got on the bus, the kids started punching him, broke his glasses, split his lip and gave him bruises around his face.

Linden (N.J.) Fire Department EMTs and firefighters drove Jonathan home after treating him.

“We came back from the call and it just struck a chord in my heart and was telling the guys what happened and we decided to get the kid some shoes,” said Brian Paster, Linden firefighter and EMT.

The firefighters surprised Jonathan at his home with sneakers, a T-shirt, socks and a wooden American flag.

“A negative thing turned into a positive thing, he’s more outgoing, he was so happy his mother said he’s more talkative,” said Paster.

His mother said he’s been bullied in the past and is proud of how he handled himself.

“He’s gotten in trouble in the past so to have all this positive attention this time perhaps it’s going to change the direction of his life,” his mother, Hope, said.

Jonathan said he wants to dress up as a firefighter for Halloween this year and later become one in real life.