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Pa. volunteer fire department hits obstacle obtaining grant

Their dual classification is making it difficult for the Telford Volunteer Fire Company to obtain grant money

The Reporter Online

TELFORD, Pa. — Part of what makes Telford Borough unique is that it is in Bucks and Montgomery counties. But, this dual classification is making it difficult for the Telford Volunteer Fire Company to obtain grant money.

At the Oct. 7 borough council meeting, Jerry Guretse, treasurer of the Telford Volunteer Fire Company, told council members that Bucks County is changing its radio system. This change would cost the fire company more than $80,000. To help offset these costs, the department applied for a Bucks County grant. The grant would help provide a low interest rate loan for seven years.

“Our application was not favorably accepted because we are considered Montgomery County,” Guretse said. He explained that 51 percent of the people the fire company serves are Bucks County residents. He asked council members to help petition to get the loan.

Full story: Telford Volunteer Fire Company hits obstacle obtaining grant