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Video: FDNY firefighters caught in huge backdraft

Raw footage captures a massive backdraft firefighters experienced while putting out a blaze that injured seven firefighters

By Shelbie Watts

NEW YORK — A video captured a massive backdraft FDNY firefighters experienced while putting out a large fire.

New York Daily News reported that firefighters were working to extinguish a massive fire at a row of businesses that injured seven firefighters and at least five other civilians.

According to Gothamist, the crew experienced a huge backdraft during their operation, which was captured on video.

“There was a big explosion,” resident Eric Guvercin told CBS New York. “I saw almost three firefighters blew out from the basement out to the ground. One of the fire department guys picked up his helmet and he ran back there to do his job.”

A neighboring building collapsed, and residents of another building nearby were evacuated.