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Training forum: Lessons from an evacuation order

A smooth evacuation means having good fireground command before the air horn blows

This feature is intended to spark the sharing of ideas, information and techniques to make firefighters safer and more effective. The following video and discussion points must not be used to berate, belittle or criticize those firefighters. Rather, in the spirit of near-miss reporting, please use this feature as another teaching tool to help you better do your job. Please leave your comments below and use this material in your own department. I hope you find this Reality Training valuable; stay safe and keep learning.

The Three-Cs of Command are: communicate, coordinate and control.

Communicate to ensure that all personnel, particularly division and group supervisors are informed about incident conditions from the initial size-up through demobilization of the incident.

Coordinate to develop an incident action plan and ensure that the tactical actions of all personnel are congruent with the plan throughout the incident.

Control means to develop an appropriate incident command organizational structure that’s congruent with incident conditions and the plan. Ensure that the command structure supports:

  • The ability to communicate directly from the incident commander to every firefighter on scene and vice versa.
  • A 5-to-1 span of control.
  • Tactical leadership for all operational tasks — no freelancing.
  • On-scene personnel accountability.

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Discussion points

  • How would you characterize the incident based upon the building construction type and occupancy type?
  • What do the existing fire and smoke conditions and location of the fire tell you?
  • What is the sources of operational risk?
  • How would you characterize the reaction of on-scene personnel to the order to evacuate?
  • How would you characterize the personnel accountability process following the evacuation order?
  • What is your department’s procedure for evacuating personnel from a working structure fire?
  • How would you characterize the incident commander’s execution of the Three-Cs of Command for this incident?