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Check out the FireRescue1 podcast resource center, featuring industry-specific podcasts tackling everything from fireground operations, safety tactics, leadership, recruitment, training and more, including our exclusive show, Better Every Shift, hosted by Aaron Zamzow and Janelle Foskett, FireRescue1’s editor-in-chief.

The fire captain-turned-publisher shares the early inspiration for the lifestyle publication, plus the newest cover story
Somers Fire Chief David Lenart interviews volunteer fire officers in his podcast “The Volley Chief”
The FSRI’s research program manager details the changes ahead and what fire service leaders can do right now to prepare
The fire captain-turned-publisher shares the early inspiration for the lifestyle publication, plus the newest cover story
Somers Fire Chief David Lenart interviews volunteer fire officers in his podcast “The Volley Chief”
The FSRI’s research program manager details the changes ahead and what fire service leaders can do right now to prepare
After decades of work in the firefighter counseling space, Leto shares what he’s learned about resilience, relationships and the healing power of doing good
As she steps down from the top spot in Baltimore County, Rund takes on a new, family-focused role with the NFFF
Following the latest technical committee meeting, our resident PPE expert shares the inside scoop on what’s likely changing in the PPE standards
Firefighter Philip Clark talks career changes later in life, health hurdles and wins, and passion for the job
The Charleston, S.C., chief reflects on his journey from the trauma of the Sofa Super Store fire tragedy to finding – and living – his growth-focused mission
The San Francisco assistant chief shares tactical tips for dominating the fire so it has no chance of victory
The Meridian, Idaho, chief shares powerful stories that highlight the impact of fire department culture on the entire community