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FireRescue1 Grant Center

FireRescue1’s Firefighting Grants topic section is an online resource page designed to keep Fire departments informed of the availability of grants that can be used to fund projects, product purchases and programs to help keep their community safe.

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Sponsored assistance is available if you aren’t sure where to start
Firefighters across the state are asking Boston legislators to put aside political differences and accept federal funding
State funding is available to volunteers for facility improvements, PPE and regional training support
Painesville Fire Chief Tom Hummel said the powered chairs will reduce the risk of back and shoulder injuries
Santa finally shares news about AFG, SAFER and Fire Prevention & Safety grant programs
Firefighters in Roswell will now have portable radios with backup communication capability
A SAFER grant will help the Haverhill Fire Department will fund a new ladder truck and increase staffing
Philadelphia is receiving $22.4 million to pay for 72 firefighters’ salaries and benefits for three years, President Joe Biden announced
The project, aimed at thoroughly assessing the occupational risks first responders face, has received an initial funding boost of $249,000
Grant County Fire District 13 will improve its capabilities with a battery-powered combi tool on its new rescue vehicle
Funding through the California Office of Traffic Safety will help equip, train Kern County firefighters