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Minn. FF dies after fighting cancer, raising awareness for years

Lt. Brett Boss, 38, “was a huge advocate for firefighters around the state,” said Capt. Caleb Feine


Photo/Albert Lea Fire Rescue

By Leila Merrill

ALBERT LEA, Minn. — Lt. Brett Boss, a longtime Albert Lea firefighter, died Saturday after fighting cancer off and on for about a decade, KTTC reported.

Boss, 38, had Stage 4 Ewings Sarcoma, according to a fundraiser for his family.

Boss worked with the Firefighter Cancer Support Network to raise awareness of firefighters’ cancer battles and risks.

“Brett was a huge advocate for firefighters around the state,” said Capt. Caleb Feine. “Especially here in south east Minnesota. Aside from that, he was a parent, a husband. He had a family. He was an all around great guy.”