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Varone explores the top disciplinary issues that get fire officers in hot water

Fire service legal expert Curt Varone explains why fire service discipline is so different than discipline in “cubicle world”


In this episode of the Side Alpha Podcast, Chief Marc Bashoor speaks with fire service legal expert Curt Varone about one of his favorite topics -- discipline. Varone covers the top disciplinary issues that get firefighters and fire officers in hot water, examines the concept of progressive discipline, and explains how disciplinary issues in the fire service vary from those in the “cubicle world” of corporate offices.

Learn more about fire service discipline and performance issues in FireRescue1’s special coverage series: Firefighter performance in focus.

Also, read more on this issue from Varone: “Discipline in the fire service: 4 questions to consider.”

On the Side Alpha on FireRescue1 podcast, Chief Marc Bashoor puts fire service leaders and emerging leaders in front of the hot topics facing firefighters.