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Marianne Meyers, BS

Marianne Meyers, BS, is a third-year medical student at the University of Washington School of Medicine interested in pursuing emergency medicine. Previously, she was a member of the Santa Clara University collegiate EMS squad where she received her B.S. in Public Health Science. Additionally, she has worked with the King County Public Health Department in Seattle, Washington studying EMT naloxone administration.

Creating a safe scene begins with understanding how your patient’s mental and physical health connect, and in avoiding these 5 don’ts
What EMS providers need to know about the physiology behind the Lazarus syndrome to ensure a patient is deceased before declaring death
A study from King County, Washington, characterizes COVID-19 patients receiving care from EMS
As fire and EMS training and events move to an online experience, follow these tips to maximize your socially distanced education and networking
Whether you’re trying to fund a new ambulance or stock the pantry, use these tips to engage with your community remotely
How to assess and when to transport patients injured by tear gas, pepper spray or rubber bullets
University of Washington Physicians discuss false-positive rates and the work ahead to study COVID-19 immunity
Fire and EMS leaders gather with the Center for Firefighter Injury Research & Safety Trends to discuss the path ahead for public safety
EMS medical director, EMS fellows share findings from Seattle EMS data on patient-provider transmission rate, COVID-19 presentation and comorbidities
Use this set of frequently asked questions about N95 masks and COVID-19 safety gear to educate interagency colleagues, plus friends and family