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NIOSH releases multi-media training material on row house fires

Video and images will help fire departments with the challenges of fighting fires in row houses


Center for Disease Control, NIOSH

By Bill Carey

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — The NIOSH Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program has released a video on the challenges of fighting row house fires. 

Challenges and Tactics of Fighting Row House Fires” provides specific instructions on firefighting tactics that can prevent firefighter injury and death. The challenges and tactics are in an easy-to-follow format.

The video complements the previously released Row House Firefighting Tactics fact sheet and poster as well as graphics for use with social media.

The Division of Safety Research (DSR) developed the poster and fact sheet in 2020 due to the high number of firefighter fatalities involving row house fires.

The graphics illustrate the importance of community risk assessment, the unique challenges of a row house, and the six row house firefighting tactics.