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Digital Edition: What Firefighters Want in 2023

Download your copy to learn critical insights into what is driving the perfect storm of stress among many firefighters

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With the fire service facing a perfect storm of stressors, from a staffing crisis to expanding scope of work requirements and mental health challenges, we once again ask the vital question, “What do firefighters want?” The short answer: stress relief and staffing.

FireRescue1’s 2023 state-of-the-industry survey revealed some alarming statistics related to respondents’ feelings about the job:

  • 94% of respondents reported experiencing staffing challenges in the past 3 years;
  • 64% rank their work-related stress a 7 or higher on a scale of 1-10;
  • 46% have considered leaving their current fire department; and
  • 42% are considering leaving the fire service altogether.

Company and chief officers, what is your plan if even more members exit the service?

In this digital edition, fire service leaders explore the root of firefighters’ stress, the impact of staffing challenges and how supervisor stress affects the entire crew.

Visit the What Firefighters Want resource page for additional analysis, including guidance for managing personal and professional stress, information about recruitment and retention solutions, plus insights into how stress affects the family unit, and more.

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