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World Trade Center

The “9/11 Notice Act” will alert workers in the area of the World Trade Center during the 9/11 attacks of financial, healthcare benefits
Bob Gear has led Benton County Fire District 1 and the Pasco Fire Department; he also responded to the World Trade Center attack on 9/11
Thomas D. Healy served with the department for 35 years
FDNY Firefighter Daniel Foley had searched for the body of his brother, FDNY Firefighter Thomas Foley, for 11 days after the terrorist attacks
Family members and loved ones gathered to honor Firefighter Michael Haub, whose remains were recently identified by a medical examiner
President Gerard Fitzgerald and other union officials held a press conference to help make sure the city lives up to its promise to “Never Forget”
Some of our newest members had not yet been born when the fire service suffered its darkest day
The study found that the risk was 44% greater among firefighters who arrived on the morning of 9/11 compared to those who arrived later
Over 1,000 firefighters and members of the FDNY have been diagnosed with forms of cancer, respiratory problems or other 9/11-related illnesses
For some people, the condition is so debilitating that they have trouble going about daily routines
Over 10,000 letters have been sent out in order to be qualified for World Trade Center disabilities
Developers say the controversial experience showing a World Trade Center worker’s perspective, called “08:46,” is a “tribute to the victims”
The 5-foot-long, 3,500-pound beam, one of the last pieces of the World Trade Center, is being given to a fire department in Colorado
The golden retriever traveled from Cypress, Texas, with her owner, Denise Corliss, to work with dozens of other dogs and humans to find victims in the rubble of the World Trade Center
They added the names of the firefighters who died of illness after being part of the rescue and recovery effort
Proceeds from the May 17 climb will support service members who’ve been catastrophically injured in war and help educate children who’ve lost a parent
The terrorist attack on the twin towers was one of two big events that set the stage for a change in evacuation philosophy
Firefighters cut the window’s glass and rescued the window washers trapped on the scaffolding dangling 69 stories
The official opening marked a symbolic return to some sense of normalcy for the site where the towers toppled
The National Sept. 11 Memorial Museum was open for the first time on the anniversary
It was returned with a note that said: “I am so sorry, I had no idea.”
Jonathan Ielpi was a 29-year-old FDNY firefighter working out of Squad 288 in Queens when he died on Sept. 11
Lt. Steven Reisman, 54, battled an aggressive and advanced form of brain cancer since 2011
The remains will be transferred to a repository 70 feet underground in the same building as the National September 11 Memorial Museum
Mother of a firefighter who died during the attack does not want the unidentified remains in a basement, calling it disrespectful
The glow from the 300 LED light modules can be seen 50 miles away