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“An Act Of Service” explores the impact of PTSD and the stigmas surrounding mental health in the fire service
In the wake of tragedies, first responders must be willing to listen to their emotions and practice self-care whenever possible
Hiring the right wellness coordinator for your agency is an investment in the health and resilience of your entire organization
The event seeks to establish a global fire service leadership network dedicated to supporting and strengthening the fire service around the world
The FireRescue1 community asked several great questions during our recent live podcast focused on firefighter therapy
Agencies in Lima and Allen County work on peer support, EAP and training to help their public safety personnel
Feeling alone within a group, especially one that seems otherwise cohesive, can be the worst kind of loneliness
Survivors, now adults, rely on counseling to cope with trauma of the shooting 25 years ago
Corrine Flammer, N.J.’s first mental health resilience officer, details how fire/EMS leaders can create custom resiliency plans that address the needs of individual members
If your home is not a place where you feel comfortable, consider reevaluating where you are putting all your time and energy
Many EAPs go beyond counseling resources to help members with nutrition, exercise, family dynamics and financial assistance
Following the hardest of calls, we hope to always circle back to the positive impacts that we have when we are able to make that save
The more we can recognize and understand how our thoughts work, the better equipped we will be to break the habit
Training our minds to prepare for the worst possible outcome may lead to catastrophizing, which can cause fatigue and other mental and physical health problems
Cleveland Fire Department Captain James Sample died by suicide after struggling with PTSD
Dr. Derrick Edwards – a firefighter, professor, counselor and chaplain – details psych concepts that impact firefighter work and home life
Part 1 — The San Diego Fire-Rescue captain shares the emotional story of how a seemingly “routine call” quickly escalated to a near-fatal stabbing
The Irving Police Department and Irving Fire Department combined forces to offer EMDR therapy, an employee health clinic, wellness incentives and much more
What happens when the sights, sounds and smells from tragedy become too much to bear
Identifying the top three manners of death for on- and off-duty firefighters
The U.S. fire administrator touted the work of the Fire and Life Safety Communicator’s Initiative and the collaborative effort to focus on the fire service’s messaging challenges through #FireServiceOneVoice
First responders in Kansas hope the Missouri bill will encourage their own legislators to pass a similar PTSD benefits bill
The Tumwater Fire Department joins the Thurston County Peer Support Consortium, helping FFs with stress and traumatic incidents
Personal reactions to trauma take many forms, but some offer important clues that you may be experiencing PTSD
St. Paul Fire Capt. Chris Parsons championed legislation about cancer, assisting injured firefighters and dealing with PTSD
Understanding the physical impact on the brain can help destigmatize trauma-related injury and mitigate the impacts of trauma
Jeff Dill details the early days of the Firefighter Behavioral Health Alliance and its ongoing mission to provide support for first responders