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Veterans Resources

As hard as I tried, I couldn’t protect our children from every episode that ripped through our house. Here’s our story.
The drug MDMA has shown early promise in heading off PTSD, but a lot of research is still needed to learn if it is safe and effective
A look inside one of our nation’s first “warriors only” PTSD treatment plans.
Use this checklist to make yourself the best candidate possible for the firefighter job you want
Warriors Heart finds alcohol abuse is the most common addiction in veterans and first responders
Ever read an article on PTSD and wonder, “Does my spouse have this?”
The American flag is considered a living symbol under federal law; we must treat it as such.
Meditation may be one of the most surprising and useful treatments for PTSD, here’s why.
We need to intensify the conversation about this very serious issue.
FireRescue1 reveals who’s hiring and what they are looking for on your resume
You’ve worked hard for your GI Bill benefits, and now it’s time to let them work for you.
PTSD can wreck more than just the firefighter’s life; here’s the story of one woman trying to cope with her husband’s illness
Firefighter safety is as much about their mental state as their physical state; here’s what the company officer can do to boost the crew’s emotional hygiene
Despite the encouraging trend to address mental health in the fire service, there is still resistance and misconception
A firefighter dealing with mental-health problems is not damaged beyond repair; bringing that firefighter back from the brink takes care and skill
“Find the most cantankerous old firefighter and follow and hang on every word.”
The human resources parts of the text can be the hardest; knowing the content and practicing scenarios will help
Changes in pension formulas or medical benefits in retirement have caused those in the fire service to consider early retirement or face dramatic reductions in pensions and benefits
For those of us who make a living from the fire service, giving back time, money or energy to firefighters is a moral obligation and profoundly rewarding