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Fitch & Associates

Chief Concerns

For more than three decades, the Fitch & Associates team of consultants has provided customized solutions to the complex challenges faced by public safety organizations of all types and sizes. From system design and competitive procurements to technology upgrades and comprehensive consulting services, Fitch & Associates helps communities ensure their emergency services are both effective and sustainable. For ideas to help your agency improve performance in the face of rising costs, call 888-431-2600 or visit

Now is the time to take action, before reduced revenues and budget cuts tighten their grip on the balance sheet
Leaders must acknowledge that some accepted “truths” do not align with reality
Focus on front-line operations, structured scalability and agency-specific enhancements
Understanding your community’s needs and creating custom community engagement plans by station
Fire Chief
Disrupting the fire service’s legacy approach to staffing by breaking down constant and continuous staffing models
Striking the balance between agency independence and operational synergy through conflict resolution, funding and governance
Charting, internal audits and following OIG/Medicare rules and exclusions can prevent a costly audit
Embracing conflict can help a fire/EMS organization’s team mature and increase organizational productivity
Fire-based EMS revenue structures and a success story in operating on user fees while providing excellent service
Using LEAD principles, EMS leaders can encourage employee retention at their organizations