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Mayday: SC firefighter rescued after roof collapses

The firefighter was pulling plywood from the home, which caused charred planks to fall on top of him

By FireRescue1 Staff

AIKEN COUNTY, S.C. — A firefighter was injured Oct. 31 when the roof of a burning home collapsed on top of him.

The Aiken Standard reported the firefighter was attempting to pry plywood from the home, which caused the roof to collapse. After a mayday call was sent out, colleagues rescued the firefighter and he was transported to the hospital.

Midland Valley Fire Chief Sean Johnson said the firefighter sustained a leg injury, but is expected to recover.

“When he pulled on the plywood, the porch came out,” Chief Johnson said. “He was up underneath that rubble; we had to pull him out. We couldn’t see him.”

There were no other injuries; the cause of the fire has not been determined yet.