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Officials to strip disabled firefighter’s pension after caught lifting weights

Former firefighter John Sauro collects tax-free disability pension for a shoulder injury even though footage shows him lifting weights in the gym


PROVIDENCE, R.I. — The Providence Retirement Board is again attempting to strip retired firefighter John Sauro of his tax-free accidental-disability pension, more than two years after he was caught on camera partaking in a vigorous weightlifting routine.

The board is slated to meet later this month to discuss whether Sauro has violated his pension agreement by refusing to submit to a physical by independent doctors. The board annually requires disability pension recipients to have their injuries recertified by a physician, but in some cases, it can require the retiree to visit a doctor of its choice.

“We want an examination, a further examination, [and] we’re going to push very, very hard to do it,” Providence Mayor Angel Taveras told Target 12. “This is about being fair to everyone. This is about being honest. There is due process that’s important so we’re following a process but we’re going to keep pushing”

Full story: Providence wants to strip disabled firefighter’s pension