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FDIC 2023: IDEX’s SAM Challenge in action

Firefighter Aaron Zamzow runs through IDEX’s SAM Challenge, comparing traditional pump operations and the SAM System

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IDEX held the SAM Challenge at FDIC 2023 to show firefighters the difference in time between traditional manual pump operations and the SAM System. Firefighter Aaron Zamzow was first timed completing a traditional pump operation in 3:04. He then ran the SAM System at 1:12.

IDEX Fire & Safety first introduced the SAM Control System at FDIC 2019.

According to IDEX:

The innovative SAM system makes complex pump operations simple by managing the water flow so the operator can focus on the fireground and the safety of their crew, not the side of the truck. SAM is an integrated total water flow control system that manages the truck’s pump, tank, intakes and discharges. With SAM, pump operators can use saved presets to set discharge pressures with just one swipe on a 10-inch display. Even before charging lines, the system automatically opens the tank-to-pump valve, so water is in the pump and ready to go.”

SAM was invented by Firefighter Jason Cerrano.

Learn more about IDEX and the SAM System.

Read next: 4 ways IDEX Fire & Safety’s SAM system transforms traditional pump operations