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Firefighting foam to be deployed along NY oil train routes

The foam is stored in trailers along with equipment needed to apply the foam to a spill; the trailers will be deployed by early 2016

ALBANY, N.Y. — Firefighting foam used to fight oil train spills and fires is being deployed to 19 cities across New York state.

The Associated Press reported that the foam concentrate is stored in trailers along with equipment needed to apply the foam to an oil spill. The foam forms a blanket over oil spills and contains fires.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the trailers are being placed in cities along the north-south and east-west routes of oil trains that cross the state.

The state Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services is placing the trailers near major population centers along rail lines and waterways, according to the report. The trailers will be deployed by early 2016.

Fire departments will be trained to use the equipment.