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On-demand webinar: Responding to chemical warfare and pharmaceutical-based agents

The emergence of unconventional chemical threats

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In addition to traditional chemical warfare threats such as G/V-Series agents and blister agents, the emergence of unconventional chemical threats like fentanyl and other pharmaceutical-based agents and A-series agents (Novichoks) present a unique set of challenges to Hazmat and CBRN organizations around the world. Join us to dive deep into the latest tactics, detection techniques and procedures related to current and emerging threats. We share lessons learned from real world incident responses to help prepare you for the evolving threat landscape faced by first responders across the globe.

By watching this on-demand webinar you will:

  • Receive the latest information on emerging threats and response information, including chemical warfare agents (CWAs) and pharmaceutical-based agents (PBAs).
  • Discuss the differences between aerosolized and vapor threats, as well as the technologies available to detect them.
  • Learn about MX908 Beacon, an area monitoring device for identification of CWAs and PBAs.
  • Discuss best practices for responding to these threats.


“Very informative and thought-provoking presentation about the newest generations of chemical products.”

“Excellent presentation, linking it to real-world events.”

“Solid content by a speaker with infield background.”


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David A. Godin is the Director of Field Forensic Applications for 908 Devices in Boston, Massachusetts. He holds a Masters of Forensic Sciences Degree from Boston University, and a B.S. degree in Chemistry from the United States Military Academy. Mr. Godin served five years as a US Army Chemical Officer in the 110th Chemical Battalion, Technical Escort. During that time, he served as Chemical Analyst and Officer in Charge of the Combined Explosive Exploitation Cell-North in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He has trained hundreds of Emergency Response personnel in the field analysis of controlled substances, HAZMAT Operations, and CBRNE Response.