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ERSI launches website to track struck-by incidents

The institute asks first responders to report incidents and plans to analyze the data

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The struck-by website accepts reports from all roadway responders — not just EMS providers, police officers and firefighters.

By Leila Merrill

WASHINGTON — The Emergency Responder Safety Institute recently launched a nationwide platform to gather detailed information from first responders about roadway incidents in which responders or their equipment are struck by a vehicle while operating at a scene.

ERSI’s goal is to track and analyze the data, understand why and how the incidents occur, and help prevent future incidents.

The struck-by website accepts reports from all roadway responders, including firefighters, EMS providers, police officers, departments of transportation, public works and tow truck operators. Any first responder involved in an incident can make a report.

Struck-by incidents of any type can be reported, such as those that result in death, injury or property damage.

The struck-by site is here.