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Firefighting Foam

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finalized a rule requiring manufacturers to report their use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
Department of Defense firefighters worry about their health after research links testicular cancer to PFAS found in foam
Two Glynn County industries each gave $15k after plant fires caused evacuation orders and significant damage
Fire foam, advances in fire pump systems combat lightweight construction fire speed and contaminate hazards
State Senate Bill 6413 would limit the sale of firefighting foams with polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl chemicals, which have been found in drinking water
Officials said the river supplies drinking water for hundreds of thousands of people
The city has flushed millions of gallons of water through the city’s pipes and water system hoping to remove the compounds
About 100 homes with private wells are at risk of contamination
NASA is supplementing the town’s supply of water while more testing is ongoing
Fast-hardening firefighting foam may offer better firefighting properties and less environmental impact
Officials said they expect the final validated results in a couple of weeks
The chemicals have been linked to health problems that include thyroid disorders and developmental effects to fetuses during pregnancy
An official contended that the Air Force didn’t know its firefighting foam was harmful until this year
The evaporation apparently occurred from an open pit where the water is pumped for firefighting exercises
The Colorado Springs wastewater treatment system isn’t set up to remove PFCs, so they were still in the water when it was discharged into Fountain Creek
Perfluorinated compounds have been linked to prostate, kidney and testicular cancer
An investigation found that the Air Force ran a series of tests dating back to the 1970s that found the firefighting foam harmed laboratory animals
The tainted water passed through a wastewater treatment plant, but the plant isn’t set up to remove PFCs, so they were still in the water when it was discharged
With recent attention focused on firefighting foam contaminating groundwater, here’s a closer look at the foam, the risks and the preventions
The residents allege the companies should have known perfluorooctane sulfonate and other chemicals would pose health and environmental risks
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Michael R. Strouse was injured when piping inside a fire cab broke and shot the chemicals at high pressure into his eyes
The project demonstrates a potentially safe and cost-effective disposal method for more than 619,000 gallons of the foam
The lawsuit contends the Naval bases are the source of cancer-causing chemicals found in nearly 100 public and private wells near the properties
The current foam contains PFOS and PFOA, which are chemicals that have been linked to cancer and other illnesses
Elevated levels of chemicals used in firefighting foams, nonstick cookware, carpeting and furniture; environmental regulators are trying to determine the cause
Foam used to fight fires on the site in the 1980s may have caused increased PFOA levels
Only five states are tracking the chemicals used in the foam and spilled from other sources through ongoing water monitoring
The military is investigating whether chemicals from its firefighting foam contaminated groundwater at hundreds of sites across the nation
The ceramic foam can handle temperatures of more than 1,832 degrees Fahrenheit and is fully biodegradable
If rail cars carrying flammable material crash, “blanket” will douse the blaze
Police and fire officer units were equipped with small compressed air foam systems in the summer to slow or knockdown small fires
Like fire fuel sources, not all firefighting foams are equal; pick the right foam for the right fuel