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IAFF president confident funding will increase

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By Jamie Thompson
FireRescue1 Editor

Photo Jamie Thompson
Schaitberger speaks during FDIC.
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INDIANAPOLIS — IAFF President Harold Schaitberger says he is confident of increased fire service funding this year, criticizing the stimulus package for not sufficiently supporting firefighters.

Schaitberger said the IAFF has been in talks with members of congress to secure more cash to ensure departments can maintain normal operations during the current financial crisis.

“I am confident that they are committed to do the right thing,” Schaitberger told the FDIC during a guest speaker presentation Thursday.

“They have to respond to us like we are responding on their behalf to our communities.”

Many fire departments have been hit hard by the economic downturn, with station closures and brownouts becoming more and more frequent.

Of the $787 billion economic stimulus bill signed into law by President Obama in February, $210 million was earmarked specifically for fire station construction. In addition, nearly $8.8 billion was allocated to the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund that will be provided to states to address “high priority needs, such as public safety and other critical services.”

While Schaitberger said the infusion of funding was welcome, he said he was overall disappointed at the amount of money put forward.

“We did not only not get what we wanted, but more importantly we didn’t get what we needed, what this profession deserves and what we are entitled to simply to be able to do our work,” he said.

Schaitberger said while the job losses and station closures are a reflection of the current economic realities, some local authorities are using the current climate as “excuses to cut our operations.”

He added, “We must say in no uncertain terms that closing companies and firehouses is dangerous and we need to try to prevent that.”

“But we can’t let a rig roll out of the station understaffed in any circumstances. Our bottom line has to be to keep staffing levels safe.”