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Willy Joseph Cancel previously served with the Walden Fire Department in New York
Hebron Firefighter Dustin Riley McDaniel, 20, who previously served as a junior firefighter for the South Haven Fire Department, died while off-duty on Veterans Day
West Point and Vails Gate Firefighter Alec Tannenbaum, 29, a decorated Marine veteran, died after responding to calls in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Isaias
Barry Boulton, Sr. was a retired U.S. Marine colonel and retired detective with the Hollywood (Florida) Police Department
An Air Force reservist gives his opinion on the topic; add your own thoughts in the comments
Clint Mitchell said he joined the department because he wants to help others; Antonio Apolinar said he wants to make his daughter proud
Investigators said the blaze started when a vehicle caught fire in the garage
The firefighter resigned from the department weeks after the incident, raising questions surrounding the department’s response