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Barry Boulton, Sr. was a retired U.S. Marine colonel and retired detective with the Hollywood (Florida) Police Department
An Air Force reservist gives his opinion on the topic; add your own thoughts in the comments
Clint Mitchell said he joined the department because he wants to help others; Antonio Apolinar said he wants to make his daughter proud
Willy Joseph Cancel previously served with the Walden Fire Department in New York
Hebron Firefighter Dustin Riley McDaniel, 20, who previously served as a junior firefighter for the South Haven Fire Department, died while off-duty on Veterans Day
West Point and Vails Gate Firefighter Alec Tannenbaum, 29, a decorated Marine veteran, died after responding to calls in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Isaias
Investigators said the blaze started when a vehicle caught fire in the garage
The firefighter resigned from the department weeks after the incident, raising questions surrounding the department’s response