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NC firefighters rescue cat stuck in pasta can

The rescue team managed to cut the animal free and shared the story on social media


Simone Jasper
The News & Observer (Raleigh, N.C.)

CLAYTON, N.C. — A cat got its head into a Chef Boyardee can that just wouldn’t budge, leading to a unique animal rescue call in North Carolina.

A driver was passing through Clayton and saw the feline in peril, the town’s fire department said Thursday on Facebook.

The person couldn’t get the furry animal out of a pasta can and decided to call 911, according to fire officials.

A “heavy rescue truck” arrived, and its crew used a cutting tool to break open the can, the town says.

Once free, the feline had sauce around its face and was likely “savoring its spaghetti-o flavored whiskers,” according to the Clayton Fire Department.

Officials posted photos of the ordeal on Facebook, sparking some clever puns.

“I just want to paws a moment and say how fur-tunate this cat was that such pawsome guys were willing to help him,” one social media user wrote.

Others joined in praising firefighters for assisting the animal.

“You’re the cat’s MEOW!!!!!”

For its part, the fire department’s post said: “Are (you) kitten me!?”

After the rescue, the cat was fine and “joined its other feline friends in the adjacent yard,” officials say.

Clayton is in Johnston County and roughly 15 miles southeast of Raleigh.


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