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Code 3 Podcast with Scott Orr

Code 3 Podcast

Code 3 is hosted by award-winning journalist Scott Orr, who has covered the fire/EMS/police beat for most of his 30-plus year career in news. He’s worked around the country in both TV and print. Orr was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease over a decade ago, but that doesn’t stop him from interviewing fire service leaders on issues that concern firefighters around the nation.

Code 3 is available for download on iTunes, Google Podcasts and at the Code 3 website. Find it on Twitter and Facebook.

Attorney and volunteer firefighter Brad Pinsky explains qualified immunity protections and whether firefighters and medics could be sued as individuals
Captain Jonathan Hall details the engine company’s need for speed
Dan Byrne shares ideas for how to stem the increasing number of fire deaths in America
Lt. Kaci Corrigan tackles the issue of officer micromanagement and how to trust your crew will get the job done
Chad Costa and Scott Orr discuss the question, “Do firefighters with skills but no degree have less worth?”
Jamie Kennel and Scott Orr discuss a study that revealed disparate treatment of patients based on race
Tom Merrill discusses command presence – what it is and why it’s important
Christy Warren shares why she left the fire service and now works at a trauma retreat for first responders
Battalion Chief Danny Sheridan sheds light on the situation facing FDNY fire and EMS personnel
Bruce Evans and Scott Orr discuss the value of tactical worksheets in EMS