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The Fire and Life Safety Communicators Initiative: 1 fire service, 1 voice

Detailing the U.S. Fire Administration initiative to create consistency of messaging among the fire service’s many organizations and agencies


By FireRescue1 Staff

The fire service is comprised of approximately 30,000 fire departments, all of which operate in their own unique way. Similarly, there are dozens of organizations working to support the fire service, from the IAFC and IAFF to UL’s Fire Safety Research Institute and the NFPA, and even media companies like FireRescue1. While this level of support is vital to advancing the fire service in countless ways, the sheer volume of organizations involved can present challenges in terms of consistency of communications, particularly as each organization has its own area of focus and expertise.

Driven by U.S. Fire Administrator Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell, the U.S. Fire Administration is working to address such challenges by bringing together key fire service stakeholders in the Fire and Life Safety Communicators Initiative.

What is the Fire and Life Safety Communicators Initiative?

The Fire and Life Safety Communicators Initiative is a collaboration among fire and EMS organizations to speak with “one voice” on fire and life safety.

According to the USFA, “We believe that by working together to present consistent messages, we can begin to teach the public the importance of safety and encourage them to take actions to make themselves, their loved ones, and their communities safer from fire and other hazards.”

The intent is to leverage existing resources or create new resources to reach vulnerable populations in new ways – together and consistently.

When was the Fire and Life Safety Communicators Initiative launched?

The initiative launched in May 2022, with fire service organizations meeting monthly to identify fire and life safety themes and consistent messaging.

What are the major themes of the initiative?

High-level themes focus on speaking with one voice to present consistent messaging to the public. Some hashtags and phrases to employ:

  • #fireserviceonevoice
  • #BeKnowDo

Additionally, the “Step Up for Fire Safety” 2023 messaging calendar identifies the monthly themes:

  • January: High-rise apartment and condo fire safety
  • February: Space heaters
  • March: Fire escape plans for people with disabilities
  • April: Have a fire drill
  • May: Protect your home from wildfire
  • June: Charge lithium-ion batteries safely
  • July: Fireworks: Leave them to the professionals
  • August: Smoking is the leading cause of home fire deaths
  • September: Smoke alarms
  • October: Fire Prevention Week
  • November: Unattended cooking fires
  • December: Candle safety

Fire service organizations are encouraged to promote these monthly messages in their communities.

How can fire departments get involved?

Fire departments can follow the messaging calendar to share critical fire and life safety messages with their citizens. Here are some simple steps:

  1. Bookmark the Fire and Life Safety Communicators Initiative.
  2. Set a monthly reminder to check the “Step Up for Fire Safety” messaging calendar.
  3. Integrate the monthly theme into your public outreach:
    • Host events focused on the theme.
    • Share social media posts focused on the theme or retweet/share social media posts from the USFA.
    • Reach out to local media to spread the word about the monthly theme.

Who are the fire and life safety partners?

In addition to FireRescue1 as a media partner and supporter, the USFA identifies the following fire and life safety partners focused on the fire and life safety theme:

Get involved today!