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Fire destroys Alaska apparatus, damages firehouse

At least one fire engine and one ambulance are a total loss after a fire at the South Tongass Fire Department

By Bill Carey

KETCHIKAN, Alaska — South Tongass firefighters are taking stock of what was damaged and what is repairable after a fire destroyed their firehouse.

Firefighters battled the fire on April 9 for approximately two hours, according to a statement from Ketchikan Gateway Borough officials.

South Tongass firefighters were assisted by North Tongas and Ketchikan firefighters. There were no reported injuries and no one was inside the firehouse when the fire occurred.

“We got the fire alarm reported by the alarm company,” Captain Rhein told KRBD. “We responded as we normally do, and found it to be smoked out, with some small amount of flame showing out of the one end, and heavy smoke rolling out of the doors.”

Borough officials listed one fire engine and one ambulance as a total loss in a statement about the damages.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Emergency services continue to be provided by South Tongass and North Tongass Fire and EMS personnel from the Saxman Fire Station.

Assistance is also available from the North Tongass and Ketchikan departments.