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August 2021: Training Day Lesson Plan

Let’s do this: Extrication, 2-in/2-out, offensive vs. defensive tactics, aerial operations and more

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Welcome to FireRescue1 Training Day, providing company officers training ideas, resources and a downloadable schedule to help keep crews focused and interested on both bread-and-butter training evolutions and more varied and complex skillset development.

Your August 2021 lesson plan offers training ideas focused on extrication basics, 2-in/2-out, offensive vs. defensive tactics, aerial operations and more. Incorporate the supplied resources into weekly training, engage crews in training-focused discussions, and assign hands-on activities to keep crews busy.


Training schedule

Download the training calendar so you can print it up, tack it on the big board at the station, or distribute it among crewmembers so they know what training to expect for the month.

Week 1: Extrication tools and tactics

Extrication is a staple operation for all firefighters, and there are several critical tasks to master, from vehicle stabilization to patient care.

Primed for training

Before you commence your training evolutions, read these tips for improving extrication training to help you focus on new tools and techniques, while keeping the big picture strategy in mind.

Tactical time

Now it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty of extrication training. Review the following two resources prior to or during training with your crew:

Tool time

Tools are central to a successful operation. Do you have the tools you need? Do you know how to operate them safely? Review these resources to determine your tool needs:

Week 2: 2-in/2-out

Sometimes the best way to train on a fireground topic is some old-fashioned kitchen table discussion and debate.

In the news

Last year, Atlanta Fire Capt. Danny Dwyer was suspended for a solo rescue. The news generated significant debate among firefighters of all ranks. Focusing on 2-in/2-out recommendations, review the following news items and spark a conversation with your crew about what they would have done in the same situation:

Resources to review

Next, review the following 2-in/2-out resources:

Week 3: Offensive vs. defensive tactics

Incident commanders regularly face the decision among offensive, transitional or defensive fire attack. Here we offer a back-to-basics look at offensive and defensive tactics, then consider the health benefits of transitional fire attack and, lastly, consider a controversial news item.

Learn the basics

Transitional fire attack

In the news

Once again, a recent news story generated considerable debate within the FireRescue1 community. Read this news out of California and get your crew talking about the chief’s decision:

Week 4: Aerial operations

Aerials are complex apparatus, and engineers and firefighters alike must be knowledgeable about how to operate safely on and around them.

Training topics

Senior Captain Chris DelBello outlines some ladder pipe and aerial operations best practices. Review these resources and share with your crew to kick off the discussion:

Danger ahead

Watch the following videos with your crew to better understand some of the dangers associated with this type of apparatus:

For a little fun

Lastly, just for a little fun, pull the entire crew together for a healthy debate about engine crews and truckies:

Week 5: Chew choice: TICs or knots

For your crew choice, choose between learning about the benefits and features of thermal imaging cameras and learning rope and knot skills. Review these resources and engage your crew.

Thermal imaging cameras

Ropes and knot skills