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Stress Reduction

Bryan Johnson’s biohacking protocol has gone viral – could this practice benefit your wellbeing?
A top-tier athlete breathwork coach shares exercises to reset your mindset on and off shift
Be alert to these phrases and ready to be empathetic and non-judgmental
Firefighters, EMS providers, police and other public safety workers often pursue relatively risky pastimes that can impact their work as well as their families
Albany organizations have in-house counselors and debriefing sessions
Researchers have developed a systems-level checklist to address stress and violence affecting fire-based EMS responders
How to best manage our high-stress, time-compressed working conditions to control fight-or-flight response
How to communicate with your family after a tragedy or difficult shift
Know the four EQ skills that can help build your awareness and empathy – and ultimately make you a better crewmember
Heroes Comfort will cover all costs for those agencies that get dogs
“Sadly, this isn’t the last time we will see these headlines, but for us, today, put the tourniquet away and focus on the heart and soul of those in our charge.”
We need to apply our fireground mayday training to our mental health and personal stressors
Telling my members, my wife and myself that I was OK worked for a while, then it all caught up with me on an incident scene
Dogs have a long history helping firefighters; now they expand their role to offer physical and mental health benefits
To help reduce stress, Station 8 in Pittsburg has a weight room, physical and massage therapists plus mental health therapists
A career in public safety amplifies our natural human tendency to anticipate danger, which can be complicated when it expands beyond work
Family & Home
Understand the seven sources of frustration among firefighter families, plus three simple ways to mitigate common stressors
The vote directs the department to work with local resources to provide mental health visits for firefighters and their families
Strategies for first responders to manage stress during busy shifts
2nd Alarm Project addresses how to operationalize culture change regarding behavioral health within the fire service
Maia Dalton-Theodore will serve as the director for AFR’s Firefighter Mental Health and Wellness Program
It’s important to find a focused habit that energizes you and returns you to yourself as whole and complete
Investing, in your mind, health or a hobby, can compound the benefit of a bonus on you, your family and others
Regardless of position, firefighters can still deal with feelings of inadequacy, rejection and isolation; finding internal fulfillment is a must
Following key steps can help firefighters manage stress in order to reduce fear and improve decision-making, both on and off the emergency scene
Focus on teamwork, coping mechanisms and even how not to behave with other members
A personal resilience plan for public safety professionals
The Frontline Strong Together program will include peer support training, telehealth services and a statewide clearinghouse of resources
A crowd-sourced educational stress management experience with Mike Taigman and Angela Leath for cops, firefighters, EMTs, paramedics, 911 telecommunicators and correctional officers
Training is a great way to give firefighters some agency over their work lives, ultimately helping reduce anxiety
How to face, not fear, emotions in order to bolster your mental health
The FEMA grant-funded study will last for three years and examine occupational health risks specific to women in the fire service
The guidebook outlines measures for reducing COVID-19 exposure and supporting first responder wellness