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Digital Edition – What Firefighters Want: Fireground Leadership

Download your copy to unpack the survey results related to incident command training, mayday management, and successes and failures in focus

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With the fire service facing a staffing crisis, there is perhaps no more appropriate time to ask the simple question, “What do firefighters want?”

Of course, this question can be interpreted in countless ways, but for this – FireRescue1’s inaugural state-of-the-industry survey – we chose to focus on fireground leadership.

The good news: The state of fireground leadership is strong, with most of the nearly 2,500 respondents reporting generally positive views of their fireground experiences. And while there is clearly room for improvement in some supervision- and command-related areas, we do have the tools to improve. This special series is one such tool to help glean critical information about what firefighters want from this career.

Download the What Firefighters Want digital edition, sponsored by FirstNet Built with AT&T, to learn more about the current state of fireground leadership, including:

  • How much command-focused training ICs receive – and want;
  • Where ICs are reportedly succeeding and where they need improvement; and
  • Whether the fire service is facing a crisis of (over) confidence in mayday management.

I also encourage you to visit the What Firefighters Want resource page for additional analysis from the survey.

Thank you to the IAFC for its promotional support and the International Public Safety Data Institute for its data analytics review of the What Firefighters Want project.