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Uniform Stories Staff

Uniform Stories

Uniform Stories features a variety of contributors. These sources are experts and educators within their profession. Uniform Stories covers an array of subjects like field stories, entertaining anecdotes, and expert opinions.

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It’s hard for us to celebrate merrily when we have just seen the tears of a child that we extricated from a vehicle collision
To me, the true test of who you are as a firefighter comes after you get that badge
We shared some great experiences together and at times was my only friend out in the middle of nowhere New Mexico
The funny thing about the calls that shake us is that they also shape us
I would rather go into a fire with a poor test-taker who has more time on the job than me, than the guy who aced the test but hasn’t seen diddly
Why would anyone want into my nightmares?
Family & Home
They may never feel the heat of the fire, but they can feel our reactions
To those of us on the job, the helmet is a tradition that allows us to express our respect for those who have gone before
Jack Pritchard first joined the New York Fire Department in 1970 as part of Squad 4
Being prepared ahead of out breaks, balanced by the appropriate amount of investment is key to success