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How to buy SCBA (eBook)

Download this FireRescue1 SCBA buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation


The advent of SCBA revolutionized the fire service. Whereas firefighters once regularly faced devastating exposure to smoke and harmful toxins, SCBA offers protection and supplies firefighters with air to breathe while operating inside immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) environments. SCBA essentially serve as the firefighters’ lungs in an otherwise airless atmosphere.

The vital role of SCBA has been amplified in recent years, with the increased focus on firefighter cancer exposures. More and more organizations are encouraging firefighters to stay on air through overhaul operations to maximize protection and reduce exposure risk. Even personnel traditionally staged away from direct smoke exposure or outside the IDLH environment, such as pump operators, are encouraged to mask up to protect themselves from airborne toxins.

This FireRescue1 guide provides essential information on what fire departments need to consider when evaluating SCBA.

Included in this guide:

  • Key considerations before purchasing SCBA, ensuring you understand your department’s specific needs and the capabilities of different systems.
  • Essential questions to ask vendors, enabling you to gather all necessary information for informed purchasing decisions.
  • A directory of SCBA companies, providing a comprehensive list of reputable suppliers.

Download your free copy of the comprehensive “How to Buy SCBA” guide from FireRescue1 by filling out the form today.