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Human Resources

Fire service legal expert Curt Varone explains why fire service discipline is so different than discipline in “cubicle world”
49 city employees who refused to respond are facing disciplinary action, including termination
Officials are using American Rescue Plan funds to pay a $250 vaccination incentive for full-time EMS employees
The badge is the same that his father, Fire Chief Dale C. Herman, put on when he first became a city firefighter 33 years ago.
The tipping point that led to the resignations was the way fire leadership handled the hiring and firing of former firefighter Steve Schaefer and investigation into the department that followed.
Focus on front-line operations, structured scalability and agency-specific enhancements
How automated scheduling can help fire departments balance employee needs with staffing demands
This free white paper describes the steps needed to build a case for automated scheduling that aligns with your agency’s goals
RollCall from Adashi Systems can help your department minimize labor costs, comply with union rules and improve operational efficiency
Improve productivity, accuracy, compliance and visibility by automating employee scheduling and integration with payroll and other key systems
Leaders should not ignore people in their organizations who appear to be extremely narcissistic, because these people usually have their own self-serving agenda
Without knowing the root cause of the behavior problem, fixing it is sheer luck