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Four simple steps to teach rookies about the seriousness of mayday incidents
Before she could even speak the language after immigrating to America, the wife of the junior Pennsylvania senator dreamed of joining the fire service
Elevate the NFPA standard with pooled experiences from instructors to create forward-thinking, modern fireground training
Clint Mitchell said he joined the department because he wants to help others; Antonio Apolinar said he wants to make his daughter proud
Kenneth Fraser was driving home from work when he saw the man on the overpass; he shared his own struggles in an attempt to connect with the man
A fire lieutenant was also suspended for a month and placed on a one-year probation
Many of those tools, gadgets and devices are not standard issue and can even be made at home
You’ll need the right equipment, attitude and plenty of tips and tricks to get you ready
The leap from cadet to on-shift firefighter can be daunting; here’s how to manage those first impressions you leave and build bonds with the crew
Here’s a look at why even a great candidate can be cut after the interview and the steps to avoid these big mistakes
Leaving a successful career for the firefighting life has taught me some lessons that may help you succeed in a similar move
The two graduates were inspired by their fathers; one was killed during 9/11 and another in an explosion 15 years ago
Stephanie Pribble was inspired to become a firefighter-medic after riding in an ambulance during an emergency; she said she wants to be treated like any other recruit
They received punishments ranging from reprimands, suspensions and probationary periods
A task that is hard for some may be easier for others; here’s what our readers had to say
Probationary firefighter Lawrence Wasser, 23, suffered second- and third-degree burns to his hands
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The probationary firefighter was burned over 5 percent of his body after falling; four other firefighters suffered minor injuries
Trainee Keenan Smith, 26, saw a man collapse on the street and performed CPR
Officials said Kyle Kutzke became the ringleader of impromptu frat party type shenanigans; they said his behavior could have jeopardized future funding and certification
They allegedly cheated on the final EMT exam; a firefighter who administered the test is also facing termination
Being a good apparatus operator starts in the station, extends to the street and carries over to the fireground
Choeurlyne Doirin-Holder, 39, hurt herself while conducting a routine check of equipment
The number of women firefighters will climb to a total of 49 – a landmark high in the FDNY’s 150-year history
Jason Waldeck said he didn’t report the incidents because he figured he needed to deal with the humiliation in order to continue doing what he loved
Understanding how and why nozzles work better prepares firefighters to make quick, effective knock downs
The 32-year-old rookie firefighter felt a sharp pain in his left side but ignored it; he later realized there was a hole and burn mark in his turnout gear
Viewed as opportunity or setback, the jump to the driver’s seat brings a new set of responsibilities for firefighters
She allegedly has had performance-based issues before, including sleeping on the job; she’s on administrative duty with no patient contact
Fire chiefs can stimulate inner motivation through affirmation and frequent reminders to volunteers that their service is valued
Authorities started making arrests in April after allegations surfaced that firefighters used a sausage to assault a colleague
He’s set to graduate from the academy in September; his lost firefighter uniforms have been replaced
EMT Choeurlyne Doirin-Holder has failed to pass the training academy two times; FDNY gave her top firefighter pay for a desk job; she is getting a third shot at the test