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Billing and Administration

Hiring the right wellness coordinator for your agency is an investment in the health and resilience of your entire organization
We threaten our organization’s resiliency and progress when we make opinion-based decisions
The Haverhill Fire Department’s SAFER grant will also cover 100% of the new members’ salaries and benefits for three years
What you do every day for your community is important; how you classify information and report your activities is also important
Call your senators about restoring the proposed $22 million in fire grant program cuts
The expansion of Queen Creek Fire and Medical Department includes a $1.9-million outlay to purchase five new ambulances
If passed, the bill would allow state counties to charge a “fire protection fee” to help bridge the funding gap of additional paid staff
The mobile companion to Zoll Data Systems’ cloud-based ePCR software was designed to improve data quality and advance patient care
Six factors highlight why for-profit designs are not interchangeable with public safety operations
Apps and online tools can ease the burden of administrative paperwork – and not knowing where to begin on new projects
Some departments have not received a denial letter, nor have they received an award. How should they proceed for their 2022 AFG application?
Copenhagen residents have 30 days to collect signatures on a petition requesting a public vote on the department’s closure
The Copenhagen Fire Department is required to continue to supply fire protection until a new arrangement can be made with the towns it services
Two fire departments’ experiences incorporating the multi-faceted “air traffic controller” position into the ranks
Let’s stop talking about gallons per minute and instead focus on dollars per year
Learn what firefighters should know about patient privacy in this tip from risk management expert Gordon Graham
In this tip, Gordon Graham emphasizes the importance of well-written, accurate, complete, objective and timely incident reports
The Firefighters Association of the State of New York estimates that about $100 million more in EMS costs could be recovered
In order to effectively progress your department, it’s important to make sure you are comparing your organization with similar departments in your area
The Syracuse Fire Department has been running a pilot ambulance service to fill in gaps for AMR and other services stretched thin by the pandemic
Current state law only lets EMS and law enforcement agencies make such reimbursement requests
The Fair Play Ambulance Cost Recovery Act would enable fire departments to recover costs associated with providing ambulance services
Take an in-depth look at the top items fire and EMS officials should look for when evaluating a new RMS solution for their agency
Wittman Enterprises will bill for EMS calls; Fire Recovery USA will bill for fires, vehicle accidents, special rescues and hazardous materials calls
The move would add about $1.5M a year to the Modesto department’s budget; Chief Alan Ernst said it would help the agency maintain its level of service
Pflugerville could terminate its EMS service with the fire department in favor of the private ambulance company