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Company Officer Development

The company officer development topic covers all aspects of the fire officer’s job, with a range of resources to assist in leadership development, decision-making and resolving crew conflict. Articles tackle radio skills, the importance of coaching, tips for new officers and more. Share these articles with aspiring or new company officers to help maximize their skills and abilities.

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Feeling alone within a group, especially one that seems otherwise cohesive, can be the worst kind of loneliness
Use the swim method, grab your wire cutters and get help from other crewmembers
Establish side alpha, stay disciplined in your direction, pay attention to sights and sounds, and use “breadcrumbs” to establish a route
Your crewmembers are your lifeline to survival, so communicate as much as possible
The Fairfax County (Virginia) firefighter-paramedic talks crew bonding, firefighter reproductive health, and banishing ego to create space for vulnerable conversations
From department culture to personal self-reflection, several factors can help you answer the question
Simple gestures, like checking in after difficult calls or noticing changes in behavior, can make a significant difference
In your first 30 days as chief, focus on building your team, embracing individuals with institutional knowledge, and finding a sounding board for new ideas
Simple steps to maintain composure when the scene is anything but routine
The Eugene Springfield (Oregon) Fire battalion chief details the importance of a shared vision of learning and training at every organization
Summarizing keystone research across the four ventilation methods used on the fireground
First things first: You do not get to cut holes anymore!
Back to basics – sounding and walking on the roof, using roof ladders, working from an aerial, cutting the hole and punching through
Emergency response requires increased focus; this is a balancing act when approaching a scene with numerous factors in play
It’s time to reevaluate our SOPs, eliminate insular groups, and see traditions as an honor, not an anchor
The Fairfax County battalion chief on the power of professional development for your members
“Take care of your troops and they will take care of you” and other military command lessons applied to the fire service
Implementing these principles can help maximize the impact of the information
Successful leaders have offered wise advice over the years about how to ensure that you live and breathe strong leadership
New chiefs, don’t make too many changes too fast or you’ll face significant resistance
The newest state-of-the-industry survey sharpens the focus on fire department leadership
It may feel counterintuitive at times, but achieving trust starts by showing unilateral respect to everyone, even when you disagree
Leaders set the tone for agency culture across the board — including when it comes to wellness
A firsthand account of not understanding the burden of command
It is what we tolerate that will ultimately build the crew’s DNA
Devin Flannery shares his experience with the company officer to chief officer transition