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Police received reports of a suspicious man showing up to multiple emergency scenes, including a brush fire that he helped extinguish
Police said the man had flashing blue lights on his vehicle, which also displayed emblems from fire and EMS departments he is not a member of
Officials say the man swindled local businesses while posing as an EMS lieutenant, complete with a fake uniform and badge
EMS providers reported several encounters with the suspect, including one in which he was allegedly carrying a firearm
The Orange County Fire Authority deputy chief of operations, who abruptly retired last week, allegedly threatened to arrest a motorist who gave him the middle finger
Linda Heinold, 52, who police say used the alias “Vallie Light,” is accused of using multiple people’s social security numbers to make purchases
Police say the suspect told the owner of the car he needed to move it for an emergency
The man was charged with two felonies after reportedly showing up to emergency scenes and representing himself as a volunteer firefighter
After the Dilworth Police Department issued a warning about potential firefighter imposters in the area, the sheriff, who is also the fire chief, set the record straight
Officials say the man was dressed in uniform and identified himself as an on-duty firefighter as he broke into a garage
Deputies say the man was fired from a local fire department and was collecting cash in a boot
When stopped by police, Guy M. Landmeier, 45, showed a badge for the Rutland-Dundee Township Fire Protection District
Ashley Bemis was sentenced to jail after posing as a firefighter’s wife to collect thousands of dollars
Police said Ashley Bemis posted photos on multiple social media pages of herself and her “fictitious firefighter husband” asking for donations
Mario Thompson was arrested after authorities say his false call about an active shooter put an area hospital on an hours-long lockdown
Ashley Bemis is suspected of creating a nonexistent husband to bilk good Samaritans out of at least $11,000 in donations she claimed would help firefighters
Steven Shapiro was sentenced to 68 days in jail for fraud, dealing in stolen property, grand theft and illegal use of credit cards
Police said Steven Young, who had an emergency medical kit and portable radio, said he was captain of the Cohanzie Fire Department en route to an active fire
“Individuals have used Cambria County radio frequency to transmit false information while posing as police officers,” District Attorney Kelly Callihan said
Police said Tony Beverly was found inside a patient’s home wearing bunker pants and identified himself as a volunteer firefighter
Brian Lee Carsten pretended to be a fire marshal to extort money out of businesses with fake inspections
Kyla Rivas Zehtab allegedly forged a physical abilities test certificate, which would have made her eligible to become a firefighter
Brandon Visyak, son of a fire captain, pretended to be a firefighter when he was robbing a woman and again when trying to get out of a ticket
Fire officials believe the woman stole the gear earlier in the week; she told the store’s owner that she was investigating a gas leak
The Pittsburgh Fire Bureau is now sharing the photo to warn the public of the scam, and warned the impostor may be using other Facebook profiles
The fake chief has been calling the federal government claiming paid firefighters are breaking the law by covering some volunteer shifts
Officials said the man posed as a firefighter conducting a fire inspection system
Police found gas cans, a firefighter’s hat and vests inside the man’s car