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Medical Monitoring

The Medical Monitoringtopic contains news and information about medical monitoring, outlines the current trends and what the future may hold for fire and EMS providers.

A jury found Aurora Fire Rescue paramedics Jeremy Cooper and Peter Cichuniec guilty of criminally negligent homicide for administering ketamine to McClain
Medic Squad 63 of Kern County Fire Department resuscitated a cardiac arrest patient before transporting them to the hospital
Researchers said once the AI model was familiar with firefighter-specific medical data, it was able to identify 6,000 abnormal ECG samples with 97% accuracy
Detailing live-fire training options and requirements, from medical monitoring to decon to water supply and beyond
A Colorado county upscaled their telehealth program in the wake of COVID-19, leading to better patient outcomes and provider resources
Focus your discussions instead on when and where to mask up, how to deploy the hoseline, and what should occur in rehab
Officials declared a mass casualty incident, bringing every ambulance in Allentown and more from surrounding municipalities
The West Allis Fire Department is educating its community and improving OHCA survival rates
City council members will vote on a 2-year ban on all chemical sedatives used to restrain patients as well as any new sedatives for medical purposes
The approval for new AEDs, cardiac monitors and CPR devices follows an inspection showing that most Eddy County fire vehicles lacked working AEDs
While rehab is typically thought of as for structure fires, Gordon Graham challenges responders to think about rehab during non-structure fire operations too
Researchers aim to measure the value of virtual reality for providers as they work to identify signs of severe illness and infants and children
EMS, fire and police representatives testified before the committee saying ketamine is important for first responders’ safety
A month after his son initiated CPR for his first SCA, Wayne Kewitsch suffered a second medical emergency while driving
Regardless of case severity, many COVID-19 patients face serious persistent symptoms for months
The department began using the GoodSAM telemedicine program in December to assess some patients remotely
Hennepin County EMS paramedics and a Minneapolis fire captain described their efforts to resuscitate Floyd
The device’s software will allow the Pueblo West Fire Department to transmit heart rhythm data securely to the ER
The city of Hobart took advantage of a trade-in deal to replace its older cardiac monitors and AEDs
Have you recently reviewed lifting techniques, stretcher operations and teamwork to avoid a patient drop?
Toxicologist Jerry Snow, MD, joins our hosts to discuss the common symptoms and what leads to misdiagnosis in carbon monoxide poisoning
Activating the surgical team: A low-frequency, high-risk emergency procedure in the field
Michigan authorities say the medics involved in the case of Timesha Beauchamp, who was wrongly declared dead in August and died in a hospital in October, must pass a national exam to regain their licenses
A survey of nearly 12,000 firefighters found that about 1 out of every 20 firefighters who responded to 11 or more fires per year suffered from atrial fibrillation, a type of irregular heartbeat
Make sure each of your service’s cardiac arrest patients get the best chance of survival by prioritizing high-quality CPR in training and in practice
According to her family’s attorney, Timesha Beauchamp, 20, died in the hospital due to brain damage suffered in the August incident
The attorney who filed the suit says Timesha Beauchamp suffered severe hypoxic brain damage and remains in critical condition
The Southfield Fire Department paramedics and EMTs are suing to keep their licenses from being suspended after the incident