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September 2021: Training Day Lesson Plan

Let’s do this! VEIS, opioid treatment, PPE basics and lightweight construction

September 2021 Training.png

Welcome to FireRescue1 Training Day, providing company officers training ideas, resources and a downloadable schedule to help keep crews focused and interested on both bread-and-butter training evolutions and more varied and complex skillset development.

Your September 2021 lesson plan offers training ideas focused on extrication basics, 2-in/2-out, offensive vs. defensive tactics, aerial operations and more. Incorporate the supplied resources into weekly training, engage crews in training-focused discussions, and assign hands-on activities to keep crews busy.



Download the training calendar so you can print it up, tack it on the big board at the station, or distribute it among crewmembers so they know what training to expect for the month.

Week 1: Chew choice: TICs or knots

Week 1’s crew choice is a continuation from August Week 5.

For your crew choice, choose between learning about the benefits and features of thermal imaging cameras and learning rope and knot skills. Review these resources and engage your crew.

Thermal imaging cameras

Ropes and knot skills

Week 2: Fireground Fundamentals: VEIS

Vent-Enter-Isolate-Search (VEIS) is a fireground fundamental with which all members should be familiar.

Back to basics training

Senior Captain Chris DelBello offers a step-by-step procedure for conducting this essential operation, from the initial size-up through the entire search process.

Many will remember that VEIS for many years was just VES. So, once you’ve mastered full procedure, go deeper to understand the newest step in the process – Isolate.

Formal education

The FireRescue1 Academy features the full-length courses “Ventilation,” “Forcible Entry” and “Search and Rescue” as well as Reality Training videos “Horizontal Ventilation,” “Vertical Ventilation” and “Primary Search,” and Fireground Flash Tip “Vent, Enter and Search.” Visit the FireRescue1 Academy to learn more and to schedule an online demo.


A firefighter uses a traditional search on hands and knees to search for the door. They are searching the wall for the door or following directives from the officer with the TIC to follow a wall until the open door is located. A firefighter uses a tripod method of using one leg/foot out in front of them for safety and speed. When the search firefighter locates the door, they should lock a foot to the door frame and use a stretching search to search just beyond the door prior to closing the door for isolation. Now the searching firefighter can safely and thoroughly search the room for any victims.

Week 3: Opioid Addiction and Treatment

With the opioid epidemic plaguing every corner of the country, fire service personnel are routinely being called upon to respond to opioid-related calls. Firefighters and chiefs alike must understand what this means for members’ growing responsibilities:

In the news

FireRescue1 has published countless news stories about opioid addiction, overdose and treatment. Follow the news to better understand the epidemic, programs to consider to serve your community, and how opioids are impacting first responders. Here are a few news items to discuss with your crew:


Knowledge is power

Fire service researcher Dr. Sara Jahnke explores five reasons why firefighters are at an increased risk of opioid abuse, and Ben Thompson shares how to decontaminate a member following exposure

Get equipped to respond

Download the free fentanyl protection and detection guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation.

WEEK 4: PPE Basics

While we’d like to believe that all firefighters have a solid understanding of PPE coming out of the academy, but supervisors can attest that some training is still required – and all firefighters should occasionally go through a refresher to ensure they are optimizing their PPE use.

Donning and doffing

Let’s start with the true basics – donning and doffing, not only for routine calls but also in the era of COVID-19.

PPE fit guide

WEEK 5: Lightweight building construction

Building construction basics

It’s important to first understand the different types of building construction firefighters face:

In the news

Following the news about building collapses can help firefighters better identify structure types in their response area:

Research in focus

UL’s Fire Safety Research Institute offers key research to help better understanding lightweight construction and the hazards posed to firefighters:

Put your knowledge to the test