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Salem officials had challenged whether Firefighter Maurice Stadeli’s cancer was occupational
Gov. Ron DeSantis’ tourism board had objected to the perks because they exclusively benefited Disney
Broward County officials plan to provide quick help for mortgage and rent payments, or funeral expenses before other benefits kick in
Former Firefighter Michael Weinstock, who suffers from a neurological condition, hopes to raise awareness of the healthcare needs of 9/11 emergency responders
“We ... hope this exemption helps efforts to attract more volunteers to our fire and ambulance companies, to enable more life-saving work that benefits us all,” a Rensselaer County executive said
Officials with Holiday Park, Logans Ferry, Renton and Unity FDs took themselves out of service for about six hours believing the coverage had lapsed
Orlando has spent nearly $35,000 so far on legal fees for the case against District Chief Scott Suehle and another firefighter
William Hammond continues fighting for the full benefits package including a $25,000 lump sum
The CDC changed the contractors who run the National Provider Network for some 25,000 and the prescription drug benefits for the whole program
A look back and ahead as a tumultuous session turns to lame duck
Robert Olsen claims he suffered asthma resulting from Lou Gehrig’s Disease as a result of breathing in toxic air during World Trade Center recovery efforts
House Bill 5785 would ensure a line of funding is available without disruption
Rural fire/EMS looks for creative recruiting solutions
The plaintiffs allege that changes to Morgantown policy will disproportionately affect members’ pay and benefits, as well as the departments’ ability to hire
The agreement would require approval from union members and the legislature
The Public Safety Officer Support Act supports first responders who experienced PTSD or died by suicide following exposure to certain traumatic events
The bill includes annual pay adjustments, a disability annuity, hazard pay, and seven days of paid mental health leave
“What we see in this career, the calls that we get, can take a toll on somebody’s mental health and wellness,” said Cheshire County Sheriff Eli Rivera
House Bill 562 allows 48 hours of time off post-critical incident, but issues of messaging and pay are vital to ensuring firefighter support
Polk County continues to deny Christina Pierson a $25,000 benefit offered by the state
The city unanimously passed an ordinance to extend LODD benefits to suicide deaths
The infrastructure legislation also authorized agencies to increase the base salary of wildland firefighters by $20,000 a year, or 50% of their current base salary
Hometown Heroes Assistance Program includes an assistance program, critical illness insurance and health and wellness training
A recent poll with over 900 responses reveals strong opinions on the concept of free electric vehicle charging at the fire station
The families of the victims have received death certificates, but they also need autopsy reports or toxicology tests to get benefits
The Federal Firefighter Fairness Act would give benefits to firefighters who contract heart disease, some cancers and other illnesses due to their service
Learn who is eligible to receive PSOB benefits, how to appeal if your application was denied and how the program processes COVID-19-related claims
Dispatchers will have statewide training and certification, and will be eligible for better benefits and earlier retirement
City and county cost projections of more than $4.68 million a year helped defeat the bill named after Cleveland firefighter James “Dustin” Samples
Dozens of firefighters gathered on the steps of the state capitol to show their support
An attorney for the union argued the study shows that the city’s public safety workers are “even more underpaid than we thought they were all along”