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If a fire service career doesn’t pan out, some of these responders may have a career waiting in Hollywood
Test your ability to apply the START algorithm to a collection of simulated MCI patients
Retired Fire Chief Howard Munding trains firefighters and EMS providers in Krav Maga so they have the skills to protect themselves when violence strikes
If you know of one that didn’t make the list, let us know in the comments below
Test your knowledge of fentanyl exposure, protection and treatment
Be sure to share your results and prove to everyone you’re the biggest movie buff you know
In the fire service, staying up to date on the latest and greatest can be difficult; here are 10 podcasts that will keep your skills sharp
From the longest journey to the longest fire hose chain, these are some of the most impressive Guinness World Records in the fire service
Here’s a breakdown of what an integrity interview is and what type of questions you can expect
As beautiful as the sound is, not many know why the Scottish instrument became such a traditional staple at funerals of American firefighters
Despite your best efforts, blood stains, food grease and the not-so-fun vomit tinge happen from time to time
Here’s an overview of what fire chaplains do and how you can become one
The requirements and testing vary from department to department; here’s a breakdown of the not-so-easy process
An Air Force reservist gives his opinion on the topic; add your own thoughts in the comments
Do you think we can guess where you’re from? Take this quiz to find out
Salaries are dependent upon your position title, bonuses and benefits; here are the average annual firefighter salaries at the largest U.S. departments
A 10-year firefighter-EMT veteran gives his opinion on what firefighters should carry with them and why
Here’s how to live your best life in the fire service, according to Poor Richard’s words of wisdom
Knowing how to build an incident action plan and practicing it to proficiency is critical for all fire officers
When a thank you seems inadequate, explore other ways to appreciate the service of America’s service members
Armed with your education benefit, you can help make yourself more attractive to local fire departments
All fire and EMS agencies need a DUNS number – a unique, free identifier – to bid on government contracts or apply for government grants
Portable fire extinguishers are one of the few pieces of firefighting equipment carried aboard fire apparatus that are covered by a separate NFPA standard
Once something is taught, it takes practice to get from understanding to mastery, and that’s where well-constructed drills come into play
Video tutorials are a great way to learn the knots for NFPA 1001 skill set
Beyond the top-notch education, there’s a lasting sense of fire service community that’s not replicated anywhere else
Life-changing experiences can occur regardless of how long you’ve been on the job
Recent legislation across the country could potentially equip firefighters with firearms while they respond to calls
Most days are relatively routine broken up by occasional chaos
Each fire provided lessons on fire safety and preventive measures to avoid another tragedy
Every call has the potential to be dangerous and at the same time often turn out to be nothing
While not always obvious, our commanders-in-chief and firefighting have intersected throughout history
Be sure to share your results and challenge your fellow movie buffs