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Billing and Administration

If passed, the bill would allow state counties to charge a “fire protection fee” to help bridge the funding gap of additional paid staff
The mobile companion to Zoll Data Systems’ cloud-based ePCR software was designed to improve data quality and advance patient care
Six factors highlight why for-profit designs are not interchangeable with public safety operations
The city will become one of the first to try the program, which is designed to reduce Medicare costs by reimbursing non-hospital transports
A state auditor’s report revealed that Mount Sinai Fire District officials raised taxes more than 4% after overestimating expenditures by more than $300,000
The city of Apopka has also filed a lawsuit against National EMS Billing alleging fraud, breach of contract and unjust enrichment
The United New York Ambulance Network fears the bill will hurt the ambulance industry, while fire departments are looking to recoup the costs of medical calls
The ordinance grants AFR authority to bill the “responsible party” after a qualifying accident – which includes individuals
Fees would range from $400 for hazard mitigation and cleanup to $1,305 for use of “heavy rescue tools and other equipment”
Volunteer fire companies foot the bill for everything associated with an ambulance, which he estimated comes in between $160,000 and $200,000
Find out the specifics of the Emergency Treat, Triage and Transport payment model, and how will it affect your EMS agency
AMR released a response to the ET3 announcement and said the model aligns with the company’s “key initiative” to provide a “better model for care delivery”
The model policy will reimburse fire departments for the cost of providing Medicare beneficiaries with treatment-without-transportation and transporting patients to alternative destinations
The Emergency Triage, Treat and Transport Model makes Medicare reimbursement available for treatment without transport
Charting, internal audits and following OIG/Medicare rules and exclusions can prevent a costly audit
SCBA life extension and properly cleaning and storing PPE can extend the life cycle and save your department’s budget
The evolution of emergency services provided by municipal fire departments and the fire service budget
Fire-based EMS revenue structures and a success story in operating on user fees while providing excellent service
Officials said the fees will be charged for emergencies involving vehicle accidents, helicopter landings, illegal fires, hazmat releases and water emergencies
Submitting false EMS transport claims to Medicare for reimbursement is a violation of the False Claims Act
The Charlottesville Fire Department purchased its first ambulance in over 60 years and said if you live in the city and have insurance you don’t have to pay
Not billing for EMS patient transport leaves money in the pockets of insurance companies and government programs created to pay for ambulance transport
The city wrote off the 276 accounts from the past year as “uncollectible debt”
Recovery of incident response costs has long been part of traditional homeowner’s and auto insurance policies, but often forgotten as a way to fund fire departments
Numerous EMS agencies acquired by private equity firms, are aimed at making a profit from emergency calls while cutting costs and increasing prices
The first responders fee was newly implemented to prevent fire station brownouts
An audit revealed numerous pay errors within the fire department
The department has referred the accusations to the internal affairs unit for further investigation
The Scranton mayor said the firefighters earned every penny by working overtime assignments
Officials said if the plan passed it would bring in addition income of $127,270 for the county’s rescue squads
Fire chief: “If they know they’re going to be charged, they’re going to be less likely to call in. They could put themselves in more danger.”
According to fire officials, the fees would create $1.8 million in new revenue
They submitted bills totaling about $85,000 to the trucking company, who is disputing the charges