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A new Las Cruces, New Mexico, program aims to better serve community members experiencing mental health emergencies
The incident in Ohio serves as a reminder for all first responders to both train and coordinate early and often with community partners
The state’s OES and military department partnership seeks to strengthen California’s ability to quickly respond to climate-driven disasters
A rope system was rigged to raise “Dora” from a sinkhole in Granville County
The faster information can get into the hands of decision makers, the increased potential for a successful outcome
“We can’t plan for everything, but with the right people, policies, training, and supervision in place we can best handle whatever may come our way”
In this video, risk management expert Gordon Graham emphasizes the importance of police and fire cooperation at incident scenes
Fire Chief (ret.) Craig Daugherty recalled the day he responded to shots fired at the high school where his 15-year-old daughter was in lockdown
It’s time for ICs to reevaluate the first-arriving transport options and coordination with the facilities that will receive patients
The best way to avoid analysis-paralysis during an MCI is to ‘get some of your thinking out of the way’ beforehand
After a tornado tore through Mayfield, fire crews searched for survivors, evacuated the local jail, and mourned a friend
If we can’t decide what’s best for the fire service, then someone else will decide for us
Real challenges of an MCI from a metropolitan city’s perspective
The communications platform for first responders went live in 2017 and currently has three million users nationwide
How to make sound decisions about emergency communications systems in an ever-changing field
Firefighters face new threats, prompting additional collaboration with public safety partners and needs for enhanced technology
50 simultaneous gas explosions and fires in three Massachusetts communities drives home the need for interoperable radios and automatic aid
The products are designed to work together to improve command center operations
The standard includes guidance on unified planning, response and recovery guidance and civilian and responder safety considerations
California Task Force 5, a 45-person team, embarked on a 1,350-mile trek to the AT&T Center
The automatic aid program ensures the closest crew will respond to the incident no matter what jurisdiction it falls in
Learn about the state of public-safety interoperability and how AFG funds can be used to purchase much-needed interoperable radio communication systems.
How people, data, processes and things help public safety increase operational efficiency
IoE provides connectivity and innovations never seen before