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The Jacksonville firefighters wanted to wear closely trimmed beards to avoid skin irritations, but the judge said that would violate OSHA rules
Out of 15,250 total applications the city received, only about 4,971 applicants were invited to take the exam
“She has broken multiple glass ceilings in her career,” Commissioner Laura Kavanagh said, praising Lillian Bonsignore for her leadership through hard times
Springfield remembers Firefighter Leonard Corbin was appointed to the department in 1969
“I just can’t believe that 40 years went by so quickly,” said Firefighter Robert Thomas, whose three sons are in the service
Casilia Loessberg’s participation in anti-sexual-harassment training empowered her to “fully fight the mistreatment she was enduring,” her lawsuit said
Fire Chief
Board members rejected calls by female and minority crewmembers to look outside the agency for a more diverse candidate pool
Some have called for a new chief from outside of the Missouri department
The Missouri department was also the subject of an investigative series by the Kansas City Star into allegations of decades of discrimination
The department must implement a plan to hire more women and non-white firefighters and upgrade stations to accommodate women’s privacy
A nonprofit group of Hispanic firefighters connects with the community and mentors potential firefighters
The paramedics and current or recent members of the fire prevention division said bias against Black women has affected their pay and opportunities
Lt. Rich Michelson alleges discrimination, a lack of due process and that a faulty misconduct claim was used to fire him
Over a year after being awarded $2.4M, Jyan Harris says he hasn’t received payment, and the unified government is angling to pay less than $1.5M
“His hair was up, and it was legal,” said District Fire Chief Terrance Jones, a spokesman for the Brotherhood of Firefighters
A judge found that minority representation increased, but some current and retired Black firefighters said their numbers continued to dwindle
The city’s second Black firefighter, David Taylor, described Erwin as a “great firefighter but an even greater human being”
Corey Boykins said that the diversity officer at the time only added to the mistreatments that took a toll on his mental health
Fred Mathis was found to be likely intoxicated while at FD HQ but, at some point, was marked out sick; accusations of special treatment emerge
The station is named after Hilton L. Roberts Sr., a member of the second class that integrated the city’s firefighter academy and department in 1954
The New Britain police, fire and EMS departments are hoping to recruit more women and people of color through a free hiring workshop
Brookline Firefighter Gerald Alston was reinstated after filing a complaint saying he was fired for speaking up about workplace discrimination
Albany Fire Capt. Jeremy E. Clawson claims he was wrongly accused of public intoxication after becoming disoriented due to diabetes and hypothermia
A total of 2,226 union members voted, with 1,444 voting to uphold the endorsement and 782 voting to rescind it; the city’s Black firefighters’ organization sued IAFF Local 22 over the endorsement last week
The firefighters’ organizations said they were not consulted before IAFF Local 22 announced the break with IAFF national leaders’ endorsement of Biden
The fetus-shaped figurine with a ribbon tied around its neck hung in the station kitchen for at least three days before it was reported
Firefighters organized a demonstration at Portland Firefighters Park where attendees also helped clean up the park
The Milwaukee Brotherhood of Firefighters released a statement this week about the February incident