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National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

The National Fire Protection Association is a global self-funded nonprofit organization devoted to eliminating death, injury, property and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards. The NFPA delivers information and knowledge through more than 300 consensus codes and standards, research, training, education, outreach and advocacy. The FireRescue1 NFPA topic includes articles and exclusive columns and videos about NFPA certification, standards and updates you need to know.

Let’s take a beat before panicking over the proposed changes to the Fire Brigade Standard
Implementing a student/firefighter program can help career and volunteer departments end staffing shortages while reducing costs and pension burdens
Following the latest technical committee meeting, our resident PPE expert shares the inside scoop on what’s likely changing in the PPE standards
What you need to know to prepare for the likely changes ahead
Position papers on neuroprotective CPR and pre-hospital transfusion of blood products were previously endorsed at the annual NFPA Urban Fire Forum
Speedlays provide quick deployment of attack lines to the fire, which is what we need as the fire grows faster and faster on today’s modern fireground
Connect with RAs to help share kitchen safety tips, provide fire extinguisher training, and underscore proper use of small appliances
Use data to focus your cooking safety messaging on the issues and areas that need it most
The fire service must walk the walk in our support of residential sprinklers
A preview of what is likely to come to fruition in the next editions of NFPA 1971 for turnout gear and NFPA 1981 for SCBA
Five position papers – focused on climate change, blood transfusions, reproductive health, mental health and CPR – were endorsed at the annual NFPA Urban Fire Forum
It’s time to put these issues to rest once and for all – and start doing the right thing
Legislation and lawsuits grow as the effort to avoid cancer and PFAS-infused materials continues
Andrea Vastis from the NFPA offers simple fire prevention messages to help fire departments plan for the big event
The next edition of NFPA 1851 may give detergent or cleaning agent suppliers a means to legitimately claim compliance with the standard
The leaders of eight industry organizations gathered on stage in Kansas City to share their cooperative vision for the future of the fire service
Despite the frequency and severity of head injuries, little guidance exists for examining potential neurologic deficits throughout a firefighter’s career
If your department is struggling to replace its radios, a fire grant can help
The Senate version of the DHS Appropriations bill would cut AFG and SAFER grant funding by $22 million
Call your senators about restoring the proposed $22 million in fire grant program cuts
A review of hood changes over time, plus the likely outcomes from mandating particulate-blocking hoods
The NFPA reports that nearly half of all home fires involve cooking equipment
It’s time for NFPA to develop a standard specifically tailored to what’s expected of a health and safety officer
As in past years, “sudden cardiac deaths or cardiac conditions” account for the largest share of FF deaths
Eric Valliere, chair of the Fire Department Safety Officers Association, spoke with FireRescue1 about this year’s safety push around electric batteries
Incorporating the annual theme into training takes planning, repetition and creativity
When Diane Cotter’s firefighter husband was diagnosed with cancer in 2014 she uncovered PFAS in PPE
Detailing live-fire training options and requirements, from medical monitoring to decon to water supply and beyond
Go/no-go decisions are often the toughest for ICs managing expanding incident types
Detailing emerging issues of concern with respect to PPE programs, gear selection, cleaning and decontamination, verification for ISPs, and PPE retirement
Decades of deadly fires spurred federal action, culminating in the iconic 1973 publication that remains relevant to the fire service today
The panelists answer attendee questions related to NFPA 3000, PPE, grants, armed firefighters, RTFs, working with law enforcement, and more