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Incident Reports

Incident reports serve as an essential tool to help firefighters learn from incident operations. Some incident reports are formal in nature, produced by independent investigators or department leadership, while others are more informal, like post-incident tailboard critiques. After-action reviews are typically held after significant incidents or as directed by fire department policy. Learn more about the three primary styles of after-action reports.

Other possible causes, such as campfires, target shooters, smoking, debris burning and vehicles, were rejected, a CAL FIRE peace officer said
Join Highland Park Fire Chief Joe Schrage in conversation with Deputy Chief Billy Goldfeder to learn how his department responded to this incident.
Sometimes people will only judge you or your agency by the quality of your report, so take the time to do it right, and check your work!
He was being treated for burns after the van caught fire while police were in the house speaking with his wife about a domestic violence incident