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Fires in expansive structures – in this case 1.2 million square feet – can quickly overwhelm fire protection systems and crews
Aretha had it right – it’s all about R-E-S-P-E-C-T, which for us means improving relationships with other agencies and officials
Emotional intelligence and conflict management skills are critical components of fire service leadership
Fire Chief
The IAFC Bullying, Harassment and Workplace Violence Prevention Task Group combats workplace bullying misconceptions and advocates organizational accountability
Charting, internal audits and following OIG/Medicare rules and exclusions can prevent a costly audit
Fire Chief
Exploring combination, professional fire departments necessary to achieve safe, efficient firefighter staffing levels
In Public Safety (AMU)
EMS organizations can benefit from adopting the fire service model of a command structure as part of their response strategy
Recommending NFPA PPE product standards incorporate systematic ways of regulating restricted substances for new products
Fire Chief
Remember to be kind and to keep your professional life off of social media
Fire Chief
PTSD risk factors vary, but bolstering behavioral health efforts in the fire service can protect firefighters
Fire Chief
By developing a formalized after-action reporting process, emergency responders can improve operations and enhance the health and safety of the response community
NIOSH Report cites crew integrity, lack of training in firefighter LODD
Fire Chief
Dallas Fire Chief David Coatney credits enhanced RIT training for rescue of three Dallas firefighters in an apartment fire structural collapse
Fire-based EMS revenue structures and a success story in operating on user fees while providing excellent service
Fire Chief
Challenge the file cabinets of past history in your fire department to achieve a visionary future
Salt buildup can occur on just about any area of your fire apparatus or ambulances, but it is especially common on areas affected by road spray
Failing to comply with these five AFG funding requirements could cause you to lose your grant or be required to repay it
Fire Chief
Firefighters routinely stay engaged at the fireground, but the smaller tasks at the station also need attention
Fire Chief
Using competition in training is like using spices in cooking – a little goes a long way, and you have to be careful what combinations you use
The Community Health Needs Assessment is the starting point for launching a mobile integrated health program the hospital will pay your department to run
Reduce your community’s risk by training citizens how to control bleeding
Steps to implementing unified command, staging and access learned from the Route 91 Harvest Festival attack
By taking an innovative and creative approach, training drills can maintain their educational value while also adding an element of fun
Firefighter PPE must in be a serviceable condition in order for these items to provide the needed protection
Fire Chief
Keep clear and visible lines of command and continuously observe, orient, decide and act to bring calm to the chaos at an emergency scene
Think twice and consider community demographics and need before pursuing additional revenue through adding an ambulance service
Fire Chief
The successful fire chief will empower volunteer firefighters by matching their skills to the right role and allowing them to contribute fully
Firefighters on the line in California and Oregon, who are “saving a lot, but losing a lot at the same time,” speak with FireRescue1 Executive Editor Marc Bashoor
Fire Chief Digital
This issue focuses on improvements in apparatus safety, and the need for a renewed look at the importance of driver training and operator understanding
Fire Chief
Understand the nuances of your community and your firefighters, and take them where they need to be
Fire Chief
What are the legal ramifications of FFUI and FFWI?
Fire Chief
Toxic leaders in the fire service destroy morale, initiative and progress; look for these signs in yourself and your department’s leadership
Effective communication is the fuel that feeds momentum and action in achieving progress in the fire service