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Autism Awareness

Educating firefighters about autism awareness can help them identify behaviors and special needs in victims that may require modifications in their response
A sensory tent will be set up, and licensed occupational and physical therapists will be present to share information about the unique needs of children on the autism spectrum
Summer Ginn was driving her 2-year-old daughter to school when she lost control of her car and hit a tree
This week’s photo is from a Los Angeles County community event giving kids on the Autism spectrum a chance to interact with first responders
For those with a related diagnosis, they may struggle with emergency sights and sounds or being touched, which can trigger anxiety and lead to outbursts that look like noncompliance
Law enforcement, EMS and civic leaders joined forces to fund a valuable communication app and get it in the hands of first responders
Jayliel Vega Batista was last seen about 11 p.m. Thursday after wandering away from a New Year’s Eve party barefoot and coatless
After treating the 12-year-old for bumps and bruises, they decided to rally around him and boost his confidence
Fabric of Fire Service winner Pete Villasuso created an autism-awareness program for his fire department after his son was diagnosed with the disorder in 2012
1 in 50 U.S. schoolchildren are diagnosed with ASD
Joey Wallberg has two kids with autism; he hopes his classes will help raise awarenss and make a difference